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PTSA Scholarships

The CRHS PTA are committed to helping graduating student members continue their education after High School by offering one or more Scholarships each year. Funded through local unit donations, sponsorships and various projects throughout the school year.


The Legacy of Nadine McMillon

Mrs. Nadine B. McMillon was the first PTSA President at CRHS. Her dedication to The Reef was unparalleled. Mrs. McMillon inspired other parents and grandparents to actively participate in the PTSA and other community service activities. The Coral Reef PTSA honors her memory and continues her legacy of community service and volunteerism.


CRHS PTSA Scholarship

Scholarship monies can be used for tuition, textbooks and necessary school-related expenses.  There will be 13 scholarships of $1000.00 each awarded, one for each strand within the 6 Coral Reef High School Academies: Agriscience, Engineering, Business, Health Sciences, International Baccalaureate, Legal, Band, Chorus, Dance, Orchestra, Theater, Visual Arts and Access Academy!

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